Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Project ideas

this is a pictorial dump of project inspiration...

i'm cooking-mad at the moment and have been making all sorts of things i haven't made before; in the last week i've made meriangues (can't spell meriangues, but i can make them!), lemon crunch (i had to branch out, as ginger crunch is pretty much my go-to slice, and i eat FAR too much of it), chocolate self-saucing pudding (a treat for carl), oh and the biggy; CHEESE! i currently have some camembert underway (here's hoping it does actually turn into camembert, and not just a big old pile of mould). go the cheese-making course mum and dad got me for my birthday!!
anyway, this pic just looks like someone has had the BEST time in the kitchen. and look how pretty it all looks!
image: cookie

i can't decide of this is naff or quite cool. would it be a good idea with b&w pics of friends and family around the clock? don't know.
image: made by girl.

yeah, i know this IS naff. but imagine how pimp your wardrobe with all your gorgeous clothes would look on nice coathangers? (note to self = acquire wardrobe full of gorgeous clothes).
good way to use up scraps of material too. i would probably lose the bow. yep, the bow can definitely go.
filing and organising. doileys. great old industrial-looking box. great looking stationery. enough said.

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