Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weekend adventures

feeling ridiculously pleased with myself for two things i've produced this weekend - a pav and some aioli.
i thought before we go to the states to live next year, i want to be able to make a decent pavlova, so i can introduce a bit of nz-ness. so i had a crack at my first one this weekend, and given that i have seen my fair share of pav flops, i wasn't expecting a lot, so i followed the instructions to the letter.
and i am pleased to report; it was awesome. i only wish i'd got the camera sorted before we scoffed half of it so i could have recorded the magnificentness of it all. i went to bed like a grinning chesire cat last night.
and of course, what do you do with the excess egg yolks? hello, aioli.
and the cooking gods must have been looking down kindly on me because it thickened up a treat (which i often have trouble with). i tell you, it was happy days.

evidence below (i'm clearly still thwarted by a lack of photography skills...)

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