Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baked Beans

I've got the shits with myself now (not because of the beans) as I keep making these gourmet delights and then bluddy well forgetting to write them down so I can make them again. (Do you like how I take license to call them "gourmet delights", yes I know, so immodest, but in light of evidence to the contrary I will go forth and stake this claim.) I made a cassoulet the other week inspired by going to Parnell's magnificent French Markets, and it was rave-able. But do you think I can remember all the ingredients I used now? No.

But, back to the baked beans...before I forget them.

I get so sucked into the fruit shop accross the road, they have this health section that is heaving with roasted almonds, LSA seeds, dehydrated strawberries, bran, the list goes on. And I always have to stand there for at least 5 minutes, mouth agape, looking at all the goodness, making sure there's nothing that I haven't seen before, or don't need. My favourite bit is that all the packets have why the products are so good for you. Which is basically just another incentive to go bananas and stock up. Because you feel like when you buy the stuff you're just going to be reeking of health. Reeking, I tell you. (And you can conveniently ignore the fact that the dried mango slices you've munched 30 of, calorie-wise, you may as well have had a pack of 'party mix' lollies, because these are health-y.)

So, the latest outcome of a trip to the fruit shop was a bag of haricot beans. The pack promised "enhanced energy levels, supports the nervous system, aids liver function. They also have anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties". I mean, why wouldn't you? Anyway here was the result.

image: donna hay (again, taking outrageous license that mine looked this good, but without any evidence to the contrary, see note above)

1 C haricot beans
2 chirozo
400g whole peeled tomatoes
1 red onion
Sprinkle cayenne pepper (depending on how hot you want it, I just wanted a hint of heat)
1/2 tsp smoked paprika

Soak haricot beans overnight, then rinse (helps reduce"flatulence" apparently), the boil for 35 mins.
Meanwhile, caramelise thinly sliced red onions for 20 mins, then add sliced chirozo to the pan and cook a further 10 mins. This means all the nice chirozo fat goes through the onions. Mmmm...chirozo fat.
Next add the whole peeled tomotoes, seasonings, S&P and heat through. Finally add the cooked beans and combine (being careful not to 'moosh' the beans when you combine).
Serve to appreciative family members.

Seriously delicious. We had it for lunch 2 days running. And did I mention healthy?

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