Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Christmas Dinner

I was starting another blog just relating to food, and then I had the 4"x2" plank of reallity hit me in the head and say "Why? When you hardly get enough time to do just the one blog on interiors porn?"
Anyway, to cut a long story short, turns out the plank of reality won and I'm now adding my foodie adventures to this as well.
Here's something from Christmas last year. Whoa. That sounds like it was ages ago. It was a good family meal, and the hit was without a doubt, 'Ben's Mum's Smash Potatoes'. Which are the sort of thing you feed to anyone and they rave about it. But then when they find out the recipe it does somewhat take the shine off them, only in that those namby-pamby Heart Foundation folk aren't big fans of buttery goodness. But I can assure you that anyone who tries these most definitely is. (Even if they don't know at the time it's the copious amounts of butter making it taste outrageously good, and attribute it to your amazing cuilinary skills instead).
Recipe given word-for-word how I received it from Ben below.

The menu:
Lamb with garlic and rosemary from the amazing Westmere Butcher
Steamed Greens with Sage Butter
Ben's Mum's Smash Potatoes
{Clearly, I need a new pepper grinder}

The Setting
Kept it nice and simple as it was so hot and we had amazing blue hydrageas out which I thought should be the star of the show. Also made some circle placemats out of the B&W striped gift wrap roll I've got hanging around, as well as a vase cuff to match.

Smash Potatoes are a great idea, especially if you don't want to live.
Here's the recipe.
Boil the potatoes. Put bucket loads of butter in your dish and melt in the oven. Slightly crush the potatoes in the dish and roll generously in the butter. Grate parmesan cheese over everything and pepper and salt.
Cook in the over for a least an hour. Consume, then die instantly of heart disease.

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