Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I think I'm gonna like Boston...

So I L.O.V.E. nachos. Have forever and a day been enchanted by the nacho, cheese, sour cream, salsa, jalapeno concoction.
And since it is now official that we are off to Boston in August (wahoo!), I was doing a bit of research on the place.
Perusing the website, I find this little article: 'Unique Nachos Around Boston'. It goes on to say ... "Some Boston area restaurants and chefs are elevating this snack and game day favorite to the next level, layering chips with lobster, goat cheese, chocolate mousse, even foie gras (!)."

Lobster??!!!! Happy, happy days. If I come back looking like a house, that'll be the reason.
Image: the lobster version - here

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