Friday, May 6, 2011

Moving soon...

So, in about a week, we are moving...upgrading from a dodgy graduate student accomodation, to, well, slightly-less-dodgy graduate student accomodation.
I am quite excited about this though, because the new place is actually an old place, and has some lovely  features like wooden windows and wooden floors. Thankfully the 'old' part doesn't extend to the kitchen and bathroom, which are actually pretty decent.
So it will be goodbye ugly alumium windows and dark blue carpet (Yuk! It turns out, actually, money does buy style.) It's all a bloody good excuse for perving through interiors pics (as if I need one) and trying to implement some semblence of style on our extremely limited student budget. (However, please refer to point made earlier re; money and style).
I'm thinking of going for a Scandi-cottagey style...because I think I can do this fairly cheaply (Oh, hello Ikea), and it feels quite homely. We can also do the minimalist part pretty well, what with having next-to-no furniture 'n all. Here's my inspiration...

Baskets and B&W Ikea fabric.
Image: Kristina Stark

Interesting postcards grouped together as art.
Image: Poppytalk 

Simple fluffy rug and gorg bedding is all you need for a stylish comfy bedroom.
Image: Remodelista

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