Sunday, February 28, 2010

Really good article

I've been quite fanatical about my health lately - going gluten, caffiene AND (the hardest) alcohol-free ... I love a glass of cold chardy while cooking dinner!
So, in all my searching around the net for information, (I mean who knows what you can believe out there?) I found, via a foodie blog from Sweden, a link to Sarah Wilson's blog (she was the chick off Masterchef), and an article she wrote on her experience with auto-immune disorders.
It is an excellent personal account of the confusing, fluffy-ness that is associated with trying to heal yourself when your usual port of call (i.e. the doctors) can't provide any answers.

For example, consider this;
"Cancer and autoimmune disease can’t survive in a system that’s been de-acidified, or alkalised. So it’s simple: cut out as much acid as is doable – wheat, dairy, potatoes, tomatoes, booze, too much tofu etc and eat lots of green veggies."

Really interesting. Here.

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